Artist: Dwayne Davis, 2008
Funded by: Communities in Bloom
This garden scene was inspired by one of Dwayne’s earliest trips to the coast where he saw Bouchard Gardens for the first time. Those early memories, combined with input from Communities in Bloom, gave rise to the sanctuary now depicted on the wall. A garden scene from the Artist’s imagination.
Artistic Notes:
The mural was originally planned with a border all the way around, but it was a challenge to create the illusion of the brick receding back towards the painted gazebo. Dwayne achieved the “walk in” feel by extending the painted brick outside the border to the bottom of the wall, where the painting now touches the real parking lot cement. The painting is done in an impressionist style, with details blurred, and is meant to be gazed at from a distance. Artist Lee Sollenberger and friend Darren Thompson worked with Dwayne on this mural. Darren painted the black border surrounding the picture and learned to paint flowers. The three had a great time working on the mural together and Dwayne says that to date, this mural was the most fun to paint.